Informational Section
Other treatment approaches many have tried…
- Rehabs-treatment centers (inpatient & outpatient)
- Sex & porn addiction therapists, counselors, etc.
- Other recovery approaches
27 Nations
3 Continents
Over 200 5-Star Reviews
Science Based
Days | Nights | Weekends
Recovery at Home
Addiction is serious. Lives and relationships are at stake. I am presenting you with a solution that I am very proud of, and that has shown tremendous success among those committed to following it. I want to be upfront about this. My solution is not for everyone. The information contained in these pages is to help you decide if The Mindful® Habit is right for you. Any information or comparisons made between The Mindful® Habit and other approaches are based on ours and other’s experiences, and should not be interpreted as advice of any kind.
A Closer Look at Residential Rehab for Sex and Porn Addictions
Some general information based on experience for those seeking a residential or inpatient rehab center for help with sex and porn addiction treatment
It goes by various names, the most common of which being: rehab, treatment, recovery center, inpatient and residential. Whether for substance abuse or process addictions like gambling or sex & pornography addiction, it is traditionally considered the highest level of care for those in need.
When it comes to the maladies they treat, rehab centers generally break down into the following:
- Substance abuse (drug and alcohol addiction)
- Substance abuse & mental health
- Mental health
- Process addiction (sex & porn)
- Process addiction (gambling)
- Process addiction (eating disorders)
- Process addiction (other)
Regardless of their area of focus, treatment centers also offer varied levels of structure, oversight and intensity. A general breakdown, from most to least amount of structure, would appear something like this:
- Residential/inpatient
- Long-term programs (3 to 12 months)
- Short-term programs (28 days to 90 days)
- PHP (partial hospitalization)
- IOP (intensive outpatient)
- OP (outpatient)
Comparing 12-Step Treatment to The Mindful Habit
The Mindful Habit program operates on a whole different level – often referred to as “revolutionary” – than what you would generally see in the rehab setting. While most treatment centers subscribe to the 12-Step philosophy, also referred to as the “Disease Model,” we absolutely do not. Our science-based recovery approach to sex and porn addiction, coupled with Coach Perra’s foundational behavior modification systems, has shown a level of success that far exceeds anything else we have seen or heard of throughout the treatment community. Conversely, according to a 2014 Alcoholics Anonymous Membership Survey, a mere 27% of AA (12-Step) members were able to remain sober for the entire first year, regardless of whether they began their recovery through a substance abuse treatment center or on their own by way of attending AA or NA meetings.
Interestingly, having spoken in-depth on the topic of success rates with many of our clients who had on multiple occasions attempted 12-Step recovery themselves, prior to The Mindful Habit that is, their experiences had them conveying percentages of 8 to 10 (at the most) among those attaining one year of abstinence. Whether at 27%, 8 to 10%, or essentially anything lower than 75 to 80%, when dealing with maladies that literally tear families apart, end careers, and basically steal anything and everything of value in one’s life, those numbers fall well short of our standards.
For the record, we as an organization dedicated to truth, wellness & success, are in favor of anything that works. If traditional inpatient rehab meets an individual’s needs and enables them to build a foundation geared for lifelong success in recovery, by all means go with it! If something else has been found to genuinely work for someone’s recovery, over the long haul that is, we’ll be the first to shout out, “Keep doing what you’re doing and give it everything you have!”
Coach Craig’s Podcast
Sex Afflictions & Porn Addictions
We’re here for you 7 days a week:
(877) 769-3790
When it comes to 12-Step approaches however, many do not connect with the philosophy of labeling themselves diseased for life. Many struggle with the concept of surrendering and powerlessness, and likewise take issue with the requirement of “turning your will and your life over to the care of God…” Of course many have a problem with getting help for their porn addiction in a room with sex offenders, pedophiles, and men arrested for their sex crimes.
The fact is, if you are capable of going to work each day, picking up the kids at school and so on, you most likely do not need to lock yourself away from work and family for 30, 40, 60 days while in some residential treatment center. Craig states, “I want my clients in their environment. It’s the only way they can learn how to proactively manage their triggers. I’ve worked with so many clients who locked themselves away for over a month, only to act out upon completion because they felt like a rat trapped in a cage. This is referred to as the treatment bubble — take away my car keys, my wallet, my freedom and so forth, as well as the riggers, triggers and ups & downs of everyday life, and suddenly abstinence becomes quite simple. Then comes that fateful day when he leaves the treatment bubble…
If you are not well versed within the world of recovery and treatment, pay close attention to what I am about to say:
Cost wise, and setting aside the substantial disparity in overall effectiveness between the two, even our most extensive, private program (The VIP/One-on-One) remains less than half the cost of one month at a traditional, mid-level rehab. With monthly rates starting at 15 to 20 thousand and reaching upwards of 50 or even 60 thousand for the more luxurious environments, the alternative we offer alleviates that enormous financial burden, while providing a dramatically improved likelihood for long-term success.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that, while most treatment programs integrate the attendance of 12-Step meetings into their daily schedules, it is important you understand that ALL 12-Step fellowships are free of charge. This reality has long been a source of concern and criticism industry-wide, in that, for a treatment center to charge exorbitant rates while a good percentage of its daily program consists of filling time with a non-profit service that is otherwise free of charge is viewed as taking advantage of both, the client’s/family’s desperation as well as the purity and generosity inherent to 12-Step programs.
A small percentage of rehab centers offer alternative recovery styles, a few of which might share some distant similarities to a few components within The Mindful Habit system. These 12-Step alternatives include: holistic, faith based, SMART recovery, science/cognitive based and hybrid programs that may intertwine these approaches in some capacity. How successful are they? Who really knows…
The 12-Steps were created in a manner to where the wording describing the damaging act can be interchangeable. Step one, for instance, in its original form states: “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives had become unmanageable.” Narcotics Anonymous will change the word “alcohol” to “drugs.” Gamblers Anonymous will change “alcohol” to “gambling.” Sex and Porn Addicts Anonymous will of course change it to “sex and porn.”
As is the case with most process addiction rehabs, treatment centers specializing in porn and sex addiction recovery commonly follow the 12-Step model. Like the countless other maladies, they switch a few words around, provide some counseling & therapy, a comfortable environment and such, and can charge upwards of 30, 40, 50 thousand dollars or more! While we applaud their desire to create effective treatment centers for those struggling with sex and porn addiction, their stale approach to a complex condition, coupled with the often exorbitant cost attached, leaves much to be desired in our eyes.
The Mindful Habit, as described by Craig Perra, C.P.C., J.D, creator of this revolutionary program that has spanned 27 countries and 3 continents, is a science based system designed to: increase self-control, elevate your emotional intelligence, create healthy sexuality, provide you with tools to create long term success and repair your relationship. This is not treatment nor therapy nor anything of the sort. This is a hybrid solution that is rooted in the science of habits, mindfulness and success.
Consider this: people with eating disorders or sex addictions are in a unique realm, that being, abstinence is NOT an option. With heroin and cocaine, for instance, abstinence isn’t only an option, it’s a necessity. Food and sex however, are a part of life.Thus, the solution must involve placing the “power” back in the hands of the sufferer, yet the 12-Steps are based on abstinence and powerlessness. The 12-Steps essentially are modeled around a scenario of abstinence, not management.
In an effort to create transparency, The Mindful Habit® has partnered with third party independent review site to ensure you are reading real reviews from Craig’s real clients. Everyone who works with Craig and his team automatically gets an opportunity to anonymously review The Mindful Habit regarding their treatment for sex addiction and porn addiction. As you can see here, clients have rated The Mindful Habit “Excellent” with over 200 5 star testimonials.
For more information on this article or The Mindful Habit, you may reach us 7 days a week at (877) 769-3790 or by email at All communications with us, whether from a current or potential client, are kept in the strictest of confidence and subjected to additional web security measures.
The Mindful Habit System
The Mindful Habit System is a structured behavior change system designed to dramatically increase self control, emotional intelligence, healthy sexuality and install the systems necessary to drive long term success. It is a science based, action oriented, goal centric, and structured path designed to produce a healthy sexuality and a great life.
Men, are you struggling with:
Pornography • Prostitution • Chronic Infidelity • Glory Holes • Strip Clus • Hook-up Websites and Apps • Web Camming • Voyeurism • Unhealthy Sexuality • Performance Issues • Chronic Masterbation • Addiction Issues • Anonymous Sex • Fetishes
Real People. Real Results. Real Reviews.
Over 75% of our clients come to The Mindful Habit® from other treatment programs like 12-Steps, Sex Addicts Anonymous, Counseling or Therapy. Because transparency is important to us, every client we work with has the opportunity to review us via public review site Trustpilot. Check out the Trustpilot banner above to read what real people are saying about Craig Perra.
Men All Over The World Turn To Craig Perra In Their Time Of Need
As a former executive and attorney, I know that my clients need results. My client’s time is valuable that’s why I offer days, nights, and weekend sessions – all from home (or work) at your convenience. My clients need a comprehensive solution, so I deliver an intensive 12 week boot-camp styled program plus long-term support that’s included in your investment. If you’re married, your spouse also receives structured support to help her heal. She’s an important part of this process and we treat her accordingly.
Having worked with over 1,000 men spanning 27 countries over the years, I developed a science based system designed to: increase self control, elevate your emotional intelligence, create healthy sexuality, provide you with tools to create long term success and repair your relationship. I literally return 100% of your investment if you are in any way dissatisfied with your growth and development (we have a 30-day unconditional money back guarantee).
My Private Executive/ Professional/ VIP One on One Coaching option is best suited for high-achievers looking for a powerful experience as well as an alternative to residential inpatient treatment.
Craig Perra, C.P.C., J.D.
Founder/Owner, The Mindful Habit® System
The Time Is Right Now For Taking The Next Step On The Path Toward A New You
Contact Coach Craig today by calling him directly at (877) 769-3790 or you can enter your information and Craig will get back to you shortly.