Because of the accessibility of pornography these days, many people have an issue with it. Specifically, many men have an issue with it. The amount of porn being viewed on a regular basis is the cause for many failed relationships, so people are trying to figure out a solution. Since the internet is not going anywhere, we need to figure out a way to guard ourselves. One of the main ways that men fight porn addiction is through accountability. In this article, we will discuss what accountability is and how it can effective in the fight against pornography addiction.
If you have struggled with compulsive porn use, you are probably aware of accountability. Many men have a group of other men that they report to on a regular basis to discuss their compulsive behavior. This kind of accountability makes men think twice before looking at porn, because they know they will have to come clean to a group of friends that they know and respect. The embarrassment of confession is thought to be enough to keep men away for compulsive behavior, but we are here to talk about a different kind of accountability: a more effective form of accountability.
Accountability can be between several people, but the more effective form is within yourself. Accountability can simply be ownership of your mistakes and a willingness to overcome them. We believe that this form of accountability has the best outcome because it is not based on fear or embarrassment, but rather based on an actual desire and will to change.
Having an accountability partner is also faulty because you may decide not to be honest, leaving the entire idea pointless and ineffective. Being your own accountability partner leaves no room for dishonesty. Taking responsibility for your mistakes and having a real desire to turn around is the only way to overcome compulsive porn viewing. So how do you create the desire to change?
1. Create a plan.
This plan can be customized to fit you and your habits. Maybe you need to grade yourself on a weekly basis. Whatever you feel will be the most effective for your growth, write it down and put it into action.
2. Take care of yourself.
Self care is hard to put into practice, but is absolutely necessary when trying to kick bad habits. Do things for yourself that will help you grow and realize that you are worth making changes for.
3. Love yourself.
This goes hand in hand with taking care of yourself. When you take steps to get to know yourself and care for yourself in the ways that you need, you will learn to love yourself. This is crucial in creating a better life. If you do not love yourself, you will not believe in your ability to overcome bad habits. To break the cycle you are in, learn to love yourself.
Do not settle for anything less than what you want for yourself. Breaking free from porn addiction is possible with true accountability within yourself and a willingness to take action.