If you know anything about me, you know how obsessive I am about accountability, goals, and infrastructure. I’d like you to think about these concepts as you reflect on goals that you’ve set for yourself in the past … maybe you made some New Year’s Resolutions? Maybe you’ve set goals for yourself only to fall short … again and again.
If you’re anything like me, you done this repeatedly. And … if you’re anything like me, you have at least learned how important it is to prioritize the things in life that are important to you. If you’re anything like me, you need a plan, you need structure, and you need accountability.
If this is you, then I want to share with you an exciting project that I just completed. It’sThe Mindful Habit System 6 Month Daily Journal.
Let me tell you about how The Journal was born. It’s a very cool story that makes me incredibly proud.
About one year ago today one of my long term clients called me and told me to check my mail. “Ok,” I said, not having any idea what to expect.
When I opened my mail a few days after this call I found a book … with my logo on the front over the title “The Mindful Habit Daily Journal.”
I wasn’t sure what to make of it at first, because I know I didn’t authorize anyone to use my logo or to make a daily journal and planner based upon the principles underlyingThe Mindful Habit System.
When I opened this book, I was blown away. My client “Ken” was so moved by our work together … and so firmly grasped the concepts of infrastructure, goal setting, risk management, habits, etc … that he created a daily journal/planner that he could use every day to ensure that he was on track to accomplishing his goals.
I was deeply moved … and very excited. I smacked my head and thought, “why didn’t I think of this.” Well, it didn’t matter who thought of it, all I knew is that I had to get to work fast.
So for the past 6 months, client Ken, my wife Michelle, and I have been hard at work creating the best daily planner that we possibly could. And we are finally done!
I am so amazingly proud of what we accomplished. We literally created a a blueprint for success. It’s a path just waiting for you to input the destination. And you know this, but it bears repeating – it is critical to define that destination if you want a great life and to minimize the impact of your bad habits and life-long negative mental programming.
Face it, you are programmed and life is hard … and you must counterbalance these realities if you want to be successful. The Journal is that counterbalance that can lead you step by step to the life you truly want.
It empowers you to become your own accountability partner. It brings just the right amount of structure to help you be the best version of yourself. And if you are underachieving and know you are destined for more, then I invite you to check out this product that originally created by a client – someone who almost threw their entire life away because of his compulsive sexual behavior … someone who changed their life with The Mindful Habit System.
“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” – Pablo Picasso.
The Mindful Habit Journal embodies mission critical scientific goal setting principles. Journaling, written goal setting, and metrics are crucial if you want success. You must do it – it’s that simple. I can’t stress this enough.
The science and common sense behind these principles is overwhelming. Scientific evidence repeatedly demonstrates that journaling helps you clarify your thoughts and feelings, know yourself better, reduce stress and solve problems more effectively.
Science also tells us that written goals and metrics help you focus and allocate your time and resources efficiently. Done right, goals keep you motivated when you feel like giving up.
And check this out, research studies show a direct link between goals and enhanced performance in individuals and in business. Journaling combined with written goals will help you make a better life.
I encourage you to check out The Journal – it’s not just for addicts BTW – go to the website, watch the video and read the FAQs. This might just be the tool you need to take it to the next level. Right now, it’s only $29.99 (an introductory price that will go up) and has an incredible array of features that WILL drive the success you crave.
Let me know if you have any questions after checking out the web page. I hope you are excited as I am about this amazing tool. Be well brothers.