Internet Safety
Raising Responsible Digital Citizens
Now Offering Free Seminars
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Never in the history of mankind has there been more information available to more people. We are connecting in ways we never knew imaginable. Our kids have never known a world without the Internet and we must protect them.
We are honored to help parents and educators get up to speed to best protect their children online and raise responsible digital citizens by offering free lectures to parent teacher groups, schools, churches and community groups.
With this incredible opportunity, comes significant risk and responsibility. Parents and educators are now charged with the herculean task of raising responsible digital citizens in a world that didn’t exist 10 years ago. We need to keep children safe from the real risk of physical, psychological and reputational harms that exist online.
I’m Craig Perra, an attorney and former executive from Three Fortune 500 companies, now a life and recovery coach in Rocklin, CA. I work with men and women struggling with compulsive sexual behavior (including pornography) in 14 countries all over the world. I am now offering free lectures about internet safety to schools, churches, and other community groups.
Call Craig Perra now (916) 259-1232 if you are interested or email him through the website’s contact form to book a speaking engagement.
11 Year Olds Addicted to Pornography
In my role as a coach I receive one call approximately every three weeks from boys 10-12 years old complaining of pornography addiction. These calls break my heart. Every boy I talk too tells me his parents don’t have a clue and that they have unrestricted access to the internet on a variety of devices.
After getting these calls for months, I got fed up and decided to do something about it. I started researching like a madman and joined Enough is Enough, the leading Internet Safety organizations in the U.S.. Soon after I started lecturing to anyone who would listen about internet safety, responsible digital citizenship, and the rules and tools parents and educators need to protect kids.
Why is this important?
Irresponsible internet use is having a profound psychological affect on many children and some children are impacted physically in some very serious ways.
Cyberbullying, Sexting, Pornography, Reputational Harm
A number of children committed suicide after cyberbullying. Cyberbullied kids are 1.9 times likely to attempt suicide. Children have also committed suicide after naked pictures of themselves find their way to the internet. The child distributors of the pics have also been arrested for possession and distribution of child pornography.
- Young people who have been technobullied are twice as likely to have sought out treatment from a mental health professional and 3 times as likely to have considered dropping out of school. 9 children committed suicide in 2013 because of cyberbullying attributed to 1 social networking site.
FACT: Pornography is everywhere and the overwhelming majority of parents do not understand the gravity of this problem and what do do about it.
Seven out of 10 youth have accidentally come across pornography online.1
One in seven kids has received a sexual solicitation online.2
72% of teens have a social networking profile and nearly half (47%) have a public profile viewable by anyone.3
43% of teens aged 13 to 17 report that they have experienced some sort of cyberbullying in the past year.4
About 1 in 5 (19%) of teens have engaged in some kind of sexting.5
The average age of exposure to porn is 11.
Porn is cited as a factor in 47% of all divorces in the United States.
1 in 5 children under the age of 7 use the Internet without parental supervision.
Attorney and Porn and Sex Addiction Life Coach Craig Perra has partnered with Enough is Enough, the nation’s leading Internet Safety nonprofit (endorsed by the Department of Justice and FBI) and Bridges Counseling Center in Roseville, CA to deliver a powerful two hour presentation about dangers lurking online and what to do about it. Parents and Educators will leave the seminar with a plan to take action to better protect children.
Attendees will learn:
Why Internet Safety is a “must know” for parents and educators
About the real and long lasting dangers of modern pornography
How the pornography industry is attacking our families in our homes
About other online dangers that most parents don’t know about
How to protect their children online
How to talk to children when they view pornography
Attendee Feedback
“I’m shocked, I didn’t know 1/2 of what I learned today. I now feel like I have a framework to take action.”
“Craig is amazing. He’s a dynamic speaker. He inspired me to stop avoiding this problem and do something about it.”
“I really needed Shauna’s (the therapist) presentation. I now have a framework to talk to my child about online dangers.”
“This program should be mandatory for parents and teachers.”
Sign Up Below For More Information and To Book Craig