porn and sex addiction accountability program

The Mindful Habit 

Enhanced Accountability Program


Enhance and Accelerate Your Pursuit of a Great Life

  • Do you want more structure and support?
  • Need an accountability partner?
  • Want one on one coaching from an expert trained personally by Craig Perra in The Mindful Habit System?
  • Do you want and affordable way to get one on one coaching?

 Introducing The Mindful Habit Enhanced Accountability Program

The Accountability Program Includes:

  • One- on- one coaching session 15-20 minutes, every other week, with Coach Adrian
  • Accountability partner if you use Covenant eyes to track your Internet habits
  • Assistance and encouragement on your path to recovery via email and Skype
  • Detailed overview and questions regarding your progress, during one-on-one talks
  • Supportive responses to your e-mails, when times get tough, up to 3 e-mails per week

Price $99.00 per month (payable monthly and you can stop anytime)

From Coach Adrian:

As an accountability partner, I will review your progress each week and provide you with a written assessment and analysis of what you can do better to enhance your growth and progress.

I have experience in working as a Professional Life Coach with many clients for almost two years – this taught me that a key factor for successful participation in this program is connecting someone and being accountable. 

I am aware that many people use Covenant Eyes, and an accountability partner is ideally suited for this software. I have used the Covenant Eyes platform as an accountability partner for a few months now for a number of clients – this is the best way to keep you accountable.

Click below to purchase the Enhanced Accountability Program and get started to creating a great life. (Coach Adrian will contact you within 24 hours of purchase).

 $99.00 Per Month for Weekly One on One Coachingbuy now sex and porn addiction online program

About Coach Adrian:

Adrian Sztobryn is certified life & addiction-recovery coach, trained in a mindfulness based addiction recovery program. He spent hundreds of hours mastering his skills and tools under the guidance of one of the most remarkable coaches working with people struggling with sex addiction in USA and internationally. He knows the way out, because he was there – and he survived. He is studying psychological science at University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan, Poland and helping people around the world. Privately, he’s passionate about drums, far-east culture, literature and music, as well as biological sciences.

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